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你是否经常有很多的事情要在很短的时间内完成? 那么,下面的信息将教你如何提高每天的工作效率。接下来的时间,大家就跟着世界服装鞋帽网的小编一起来看一看详细的资讯吧。



  1. Listing列清单

  It all begins with listing. If you don’t have a list, create one. If you have a rough list from the night before, the first thing to do when you sit at your desk is to sharpen the list, adding any last minute items。一切从列清单开始。如果你没有待办事项清单,创建一个。如果你前一晚只是大致列了个清单,你坐下的第一件事就是增强这个清单,添加一些紧要的事项。

  2. Worst First从最糟糕的开始

  We often have one item on the list that is hanging over our head and just doesn’t seem like it will get taken care of. Step up to the plate and knock this out. The rest of the day is downhill from there。我们的清单上通常有这样一个事项,总是悬在头顶让我们揪心,但我们好像总不会去处理它。现在开始行动并击败它,从这一刻开始一天剩下的时光就会变容易了。

  3. Just do it说做就做

  Use those small items to help you feel more productive. They are quick and often very easy. Complete and get the big marker out to cross them off the list。完成一些小事项会让你感觉更加有效率。这些小事项能够很快很容易地完成。完成这些,然后用记号笔将它们从清单中醒目地划掉。

  4. Make things enjoyable让事情变成享受

  Reward yourself with oCCasional breaks, music you enjoy, or even a snack. Life is short. Enjoy your work。用偶尔的休息时间奖励自己,听听喜欢的音乐,或者吃点零食也可以。生命短暂,享受你的工作。

  5. Pack Times挤时间

  Identify the time you know are most productive (3pm coffee hour?) and set aside some tasks for this time. When this time rolls around, close your cubical door so that it is just you and your work。找出你最有效率的时间(下午三点的咖啡时间?)并为这段时间留出一些工作。当这个时间来临时,关上门,只留下你和你的工作。

  6. Batching批量工作

  Cluster your emailing sessions and your phone call sessions. Short for 3-4 batches a day. This will help keep short emails and phone calls from distracting you。把你要发的邮件放在一起发,要打的电话的放在一起打,每天缩减成三至四批。这样可以让你免受简短的邮件或是电话的打扰。

  7. Specialize专注

  Focus on one single task at a time. Distractions and multitasking eat up your time. Consistently completing and crossing off tasks is encouraging and satisfying。一次只专注一个任务,分心和多任务工作都会浪费你的时间。一次性完成一项工作并一件一件做完所有的工作,这才是令人鼓舞和满意的工作效果。

  8.Optimize and reflect优化和反思

  a. As you get to the end of the day, think back on the day, identify your peak times, the most wasteful tasks and seek to keep from repeating these tasks tomorrow。当到了一天的最后,回顾你的一天,找出你最忙的时段,最浪费时间的那些任务,然后试着在明天不再重复这些任务。

  b. Might you have been able to more efficiently complete a task? Taking the time to make a mental note of what you can do better the next time will put you on the road to continuous improvement。可能你已经能够更高效地完成一项任务? 花些时间写个心得,关于你下次在哪里可以做得更好,这个可以帮助你持续地进步。

  9. Re-list重新列清单

  a. At times you will not complete everything you had on your list. This is okay, add them to tomorrows list with a star so that they do not get rolled over a second day. 有时候你不能完成你待办事项清单中的所有事情,这也没关系,把他们放在明天的清单中,并加个星标记下,这样他们就不会再次被移到下一天做。

  b. By the day’s end you will have a rough idea of items you need to do tomorrow. Go ahead and list them. Tomorrow when you start fresh, you will be less likely to have missed an re-list。在一天的最后,你将会对你明天要做的事情的有一个粗略概念。去吧,把它们列出来。明天当你醒来时,你就不太可能忘记了。






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