物理波频抑菌处理技术是最新研发抑菌技术。现主要应用于纺织品行业中, 相比于传统抗菌处理方式,物理波频抑菌处理方式更方便、更快捷,且抑菌率高,全程无化学与重金属添加,健康环保、无毒无害、效果稳定,持久耐水洗,深受纺织行业青睐。
Physical wave frequency bacteriostatic processing technology is a new bacteriostatic technology. It is mainly used in the textile industry. Compared with the traditional antibacterial treatment, the physical wave-frequency antibacterial treatment is more convenient and faster, and has a high bacteriostatic rate. The whole process is free of chemical and heavy metal addition, healthy and environmentally friendly, non-toxic and harmless, stable effect, durable and washable, which is favored by the textile industry.
Principle of bacteriostasis
All things in the universe have frequency, master the frequency and scientific conversion application, you can get extraordinary results. We collected a lot of strain frequency data, through the wave frequency resonance principle, form the multi-dimensional scalar field, and use the peculiar to the scalar wave amplification bacteriostatic wave frequency and energy, and carry through all the characteristics of the objects, resonance effect, with the item will be bacteriostatic information wave frequency superposition in objects, and do not change the object properties, originally so as to achieve bacteriostatic effect.
Compared with traditional preparation method
Preparation of additives: finishing method: dipping, dipping, coating.
Influencing factors: washing, sun exposure, friction, preparation method of additives, timeliness, antibacterial level, antibacterial cost, washing resistance and other relatively unstable, external due to the influence of aging relative change.
Compared with the advantages of traditional preparation method, physical wave frequency antibacterial treatment technology:
Washing resistance: permanent 50+/100+, 200...
时效性 :永久性抗菌
Timeliness: permanent antibacterial
Bacteriostatic level -AAA, AAA+... .
类型 :纯物理抑菌
Type: pure physical bacteriostasis
Cost: clear and manageable
Ingredients: No chemical additives
Infrared function:
Infrared load: at the same time of bacteriostatic preparation, the equipment will load the infrared function of the raw material body. After authoritative detection, the emissivity is 0.89 to 0.96, which is higher than the national standard nominal value. In addition, the infrared radiation reverse heating value is higher than the NATIonAL standard, 1.8-3.0 degrees of temperature rise endows raw materials with more
Value; Compared with the same traditional process products, the infrared function of equipment finishing has outstanding advantages.
Deodorant function:
According to the test results, the finished product has better performance in the upstream data of ammonia gas reduction rate and acetic acid reduction rate, iso17299.3-2014 isovalerate acid and 2-nonenal (aging gas) reduction rate.